Sunday, October 31, 2010

Season 1 Loser Sign vs. Season 2 Slushees

As most Glee fans know the Slushee has become the new ad campaign  symbol for the second season of Glee.  The Slushee follows the first season's loser sign advertisements, featured on most promotional posters.  I have to say I am a loser sign advocate.  I think its simple but fits the show perfectly.  Although I thought the idea of being "Slushied" was cute in some of the episodes, it has been completely overdone and I'm sick of it.  Seeing the cast with the slushees on billboards, buses and TV commercials I'm slushied out.  I think the loser sign is more honest.  The slushee is cheesy.  I like having a symbol from the show present in the ads but I would prefer not to drown in it.  
Do you have an opinion of the Glee ads? Please comment!

1 comment:

  1. Although I don't watch Glee, because I love to watch terrible shows like "Real Housewives of Atlanta," I think that Glee should stick with the Loser sign instead of changing to the Slushie action. I think they will put themselves at risk of losing viewers. People like consistancy and changing the Glee symbol every season is a bad idea. By sticking to the Loser sign, it will definitely help with their imaging.
    -Christine hart
